Summer is the Best Time to Play Golf

Summer is the Best Time to Play Golf

By GBB Staff


We survived the cold days and frost delays of winter. Spring can be nice, but the weather and course conditions are “hit or miss”. Temperatures are rising. Schools are out and your local pool is open for business. What does all of this mean? It is time to put away your long pants and pullovers – it is time to play some summer golf.

One of our favorite things about summer golf is the amount of daylight. Play early in the morning, just after lunch, or in the early evening. Summer is the only time of year you can get a 4:30 tee time and still play 18. Or play all day – have you ever played 36, 45, or 54 holes in a single day? Summer is the one season that allows you to do this. One quick tip – be ready to take a couple ibuprofen the next day :).

What plans do you have for your golf game this summer? How often do you hope to play? Do you have any personal goals? Maybe walk more or lower your handicap by a few strokes. Regardless of your current plans, we have some ideas to help you get the most possible enjoyment out of your game this summer. 

Build a Crew!

There are so many things we love about golf. We love the feeling of a perfectly struck iron shot. We love the noise when you make a putt and the ball rattles around the inside of the cup. The best part is enjoying a 4-5 hour walk with your buddies; laughing, talking trash, and catching up. Do you have a normal group when you play?

Spend some time this summer creating or adding to your list of golf buddies. Reach out to new members at your course or text friends you have been “meaning to contact”. There is no place better to rekindle old relationships or create new ones than the golf course on a summer afternoon. Playing a round of golf with friends is awesome and talking about that round in the 19th hole might even be better.

Try New Golf Courses

Are you stuck in a golf course rut? Do you play the same track every weekend? We are sure there are some courses in your area that you have played for some reason or another. Maybe you think they are too expensive? Find a deal online or simply treat yourself. Maybe they are private, and you don’t want to bother a member? I think we just talked about “building a golf crew” – make sure you include people from other clubs.

Plan ahead. Think about the courses in your area that you would like to play this summer and create a schedule. As Benjamin Franklin said, “failing to plan is planning to fail”. Develop your “wish list” of courses for the summer and start making tee times.

Get Your Family Involved in the Game You Love

The one problem with golf is that you are taking time away from your family. That doesn’t have to be true. Take them with you! Does your spouse play? The summer is the perfect time to get them started. Take them to the range or get them started on a par 3 course. Many clubs play 9-hole twilight couples’ events that include some golf, food, and drinks. Sounds like a pretty sweet date night.

What about the kids? Sure, baseball, basketball, and soccer are fun to play in the summer, but how many of those sports can you play your entire life? Get your kids started playing early – they will thank you later in life. Keep it casual and fun. Let them hit some range balls and see how far they can smack a driver. Let them drive the cart (when no one is looking). Challenge them to a putting contest. Most importantly, get them some chicken tenders when you are done. It’s a fact that 99%+ of kids like chicken tenders.

Take a Trip

The past couple years have been tough. We have been stuck inside the house doing work, helping with school, and watching every show on Netflix. You deserve to take a vacation this summer. What is better than a trip? Simple answer: a golf trip.

It really doesn’t matter your destination but pick a part of the country you haven’t visited before. Make it 100% golf or include some golf in a family trip. Looking for ideas? Pinehurst NC is great way to spend a week playing golf – world famous courses and tons of golf history. There are plenty of golf options around Walt Disney world as well. At the end of the day, you can’t make a bad choice as long as the greens are rolling well, and the drinks are cold!

Test Yourself and Your Game

Do you play competitive golf? Compete in a tournament at least once this summer. We are not talking about a captain’s choice charity event. Enter a tourney that requires you to finish every hole (even make those short putts that are normally “gimmies”) and post a score. It can be your Club Championship or a local amateur event, but sign-up for at least one.

You might shoot a giant number. You might get frustrated and swear you are quitting the game, but let’s be honest you will be back at the range the next day. Playing competitive golf is much different than smacking the ball around with friends. Just give it a try. You may find you love the grind. Even if you only try it once, you will learn a lot about your game. You may leave the course humbled, but you will also have a clear picture of the areas of your game that need some more practice.

Who knows, maybe you will play great! Bring home some hardware! You don’t know until you try. Make it a summer tradition to play competitive golf.

Enjoy Your Summer in the Fairways

Make the most of your summer. Set some goals for yourself and see how many of them you can achieve. Make some memories and roll in a few birdies. Play well and keep it in the short grass!

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